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How financial institutions turn data into a strategic asset with Elastic

Data is everywhere within financial institutions, streaming from devices, logins, transfers, transactions, and much more. And all that data can become a strategic asset, if managed with intent. That means that financial institutions need to modernize and deliver data in real time.

This is a comprehensive overview of the challenges we see across the financial services industry in becoming data driven. In it we will highlight some key outcomes our customers have achieved addressing these challenges, and how they have built a search and data platform for transforming with data.

Learn how FSIs, with Elastic, can:

  • Meet and exceed fast-changing customer expectations,
  • Grow customers from single product to multi-product
  • Maintain and increase customer retention
  • Rapidly comply with new and ongoing regulatory requirements
  • Speed up risk assessments
  • Deal with ongoing cybersecurity attacks and risk management
  • Emphasize capital management against counterparty and borrower risk


Business Intelligence
Risk Management

Download the overview