video Virtual Event  |  Nov  30, 2023 | 5:00PM - 6:15 PM ET

Distributed Denial of Service Attacks and Mixology Fun 

Hosted by Cisco and Radware

Are you ready to dive into the world of cybersecurity threats and enjoy a unique mixology experience from the comfort of your own home? Join us for an exclusive virtual event that combines insightful discussions on Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks with a dash of interactive mixology excitement!

During this event, you'll have the opportunity to:

1️⃣ Gain valuable insights from front-line threat intelligence experts at Cisco Talos and Radware, as they provide a comprehensive overview of the current threat and DDoS landscape.

2️⃣ Discover how Cisco and Radware are at the forefront of helping customers mitigate DDoS risks, ensuring the safety and security of your digital assets.

3️⃣ Listen to a real-life success story from one of our customers, who will share their experience and insights on how our cutting-edge technologies effectively thwarted DDoS attacks.

Don't miss out on this exciting fusion of cybersecurity expertise and mixology mastery! Register now to secure your spot and mark your calendar for November 30th, at 5:00pm ET. We look forward to sharing knowledge, sipping on creativity, and strengthening our cybersecurity community together.

Mix and Sip

The event will kick off with our famed mixologist who will mix our first cocktail of the evening, the Old Fashioned (classic whiskey cocktail with bitters, simple syrup, and fruit). As we sip our drink, we will begin the content portion of the session. Our mixologist will then rejoin us for our second drink of the evening, the Whiskey Sour (another classic whiskey cocktail with the perfect blend of sweet and sour.  

Register today to reserve your virtual seat and ensure delivery of your personal experience kit. Space is limited.

Upon registration, we will confirm your attendance and ship your mixology kit and tools directly to you. This event is for qualified IT leaders and is subject to approval. Space is limited.

There will be a live giveaway at the event and two lucky attendees will receive Visa gift cards!


Thank you for your interest. Registration is now closed. 

To be put on our mailing list for future TechEvents, please provide your email address below. 


5:30 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. ET

  • Speaker welcome 
  • 1st Mixology cocktail - Old Fashioned
  • Discussion- Overcoming The Phishing Tsunami: A Game-Changing Strategy For Stopping Phishing
  • 2nd Mixology cocktail - Whiskey Sour
  • Giveaway 
  • Closing thoughts 

