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Video: State of California Customer Case study State-Run Healthcare Benefits Exchange

Covered California is the state's Affordable Care Act marketplace, created with the goal of reducing the amount of uninsured Californians. The state is using ForgeRock, now a part of Ping Identity, to provide a safe, secure and easy-to-use environment for millions of Americans to become insured.

In this video, learn how Digital Identity delivers security and ease-of-use for California's Affordable Care Act Marketplace.

Key highlights include:

  • Offer a stable, resilient platform for Californians to consumer services from the exchange
  • Enhanced the security landscape with modern identity capabilities, and protect the user data from unauthorized access
  • Provide a positive experience to consumers by leveraging the power of identity

Watch this video to learn more! 

Ping Identity CalHEERS Video Cover



Identity & Access Management (IAM)
Authentication & Authorization

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