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5 Value Opportunities With Cloud Data Management for Retail and CPG

Strengthen Your Supply Chain and Improve Customer Lifetime Value

Economic and social upheaval has led to uncertainty for retail and CPG companies. Supply chain disruptions and shifting consumer preferences have affected pricing, delivery times, product development and availability.

But if you dig deeper into your cusomter data for more actionable insights, you can still deliver the customer experiences and offer that consumers want. How? With smarter, newer technologies.

Find out five value opportunities that come from cloud data management based on business value assesments with Informatica customers. Read this whitepaper on how to make a case to stakeholders to:

  • Boost customer lifetime value by at the high end of 5%
  • Avoid 50% loss at the high end in revenue due to supply chain problems
  • Reduce risk at the high end by 70%
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Data Security
Management & Governance
Business Intelligence
Retail & Hospitality